Role of the School Library
The role of a school Library is to meet the learning and teaching needs of the school community.
At Maitland Public School our library provides a diverse learning environment where students and staff can access an assorted range of quality resources for both learning and recreational purposes.
Our library provides an experience and support to increase information literacy and promote lifelong learning in line with national and international guidelines.
Current Focus
The library is currently focused on achieving the following:
* Supporting the whole school plan
* To enhance the development of information literacy through the provision of relevant, interesting learning experiences planned and facilitated in collaboration with classroom teachers and other staff.
* To offer a current collection providing resources to support the delivery of the curriculum in a manner that reflects the present trends in education.
* To encourage independent reading through promotion and support of the Premier's Reading Challenge through the provision of current books and implementation of an in school encouragement award system.
The Maitland Public School library users are all members of the school community.
The collection provided is designed to cater for the diverse abilities and learning styles of the K-6 students within the school community.
Library Opening Times
Our library is currently open Monday to Friday between 9:10am - 3:10pm. Formal library lessons are available classes during allocated times throughout the week.
At other times such as lunchtime and recess the library is open to provide students with an alternative play option and maximise the use of the facilities available.
Using Oliver
All student's now have access to our school's library system ' Oliver'. You can access Oliver via the Department of Education Student Portal. If you do not know you log in details please contact your classroom teacher. Students can use Oliver in a number of ways:
- Search for resources in the Maitland PS Library
- Reserve a book (older students only)
- Look at their current loans and their loan history
- Check to see if a book is overdue
- Find out if a book belongs to the Premier's Reading Challenge list
- Write book reviews and give books out of 5
Premier's Reading Challenge
A link to the Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) website can be found in the student portal under the 'Learning' section or alternatively via a google search. Students are able to add a link to the PRC in the My Link section to make the PRC easier to find.
Public school students can log in directly to the PRC website using their Department of Eucation (DoE) username and password. These are the same details a student would use to access the student portal and computer network at school.